Agent contact details, profile image or description displaying incorrectly

In the backend of your website you may have a combination of synced and manually added employees. Any employees added as Users to your property CRM should sync through to your website automatically. The contact details, profile image and description for these users are managed inside the property CRM. Manual employees are added directly to the backend of the website and as such all details are managed in the backend of the website.

Step 1 - Confirm if the employee is synced or manually added

Check if the employee (or agent) is synced or manually added to the backend of your website. You can confirm this by logging into the backend of your website and under Malcolm -> Employees search for the respective employee record.

  • If the Employee ID column contains a number this means you are dealing with a synced employee. Proceed to the next step.
  • If the Employee ID column is empty or contains “—” this means the employee has been manually added and all details must be edited directed in the backend of the website. Select to edit the record and update any details necessary, and then use the Update button to save your changes.

Step 2 - Try use Individual Sync to fix the issue

For synced employees there is an option to resync the data from your Malcolm Software. This should fix any incorrect data if the data in Malcolm is completely up to date and matches the data stored in your property CRM.

Under Publish on the right hand side of the employee record there is a button called Sync. See screenshot below. Click this button and wait a few seconds for the employee record to update.

Please note this button is only visible for synced employees.

Check the employee record to see if the data that was previously displaying incorrectly has been fixed.

Please note there is an option to override the employee profile image at website level. If an image has been uploaded to the Featured image field for the employee record this will supersede any image uploaded to the employee record in the property CRM. See screenshot below to see where to find the Featured Image field.

Tip: You can use the Featured image field to control the employee’s profile image displayed at website level. This is useful especially where the image uploaded to the property CRM is low resolution or not the correct dimensions for the website.

Step 3 - Update the user record in the property CRM

If the employee data is still not correct after performing the Individual Sync, this tells us that the data in your Malcolm Software is not aligned with your property CRM. The next step involves logging into your property CRM to confirm the user details are correct at source.

Please login to your property CRM and locate the user record which is experiencing the issue. Check all information has been entered correctly.

  • If you had to update contact details, position, profile image or description we need to allow time for the changes to sync through to your Malcolm Software, and then to your website. The timeframe for the updates to reach your website will depend on the property CRM you use. We have provided estimate syncing times further below.
  • If all the employee data is correct in the property CRM, the next step is to submit a support request for our team to investigate the issue further. It’s possible the connection between the property CRM and Malcolm Software is experiencing an issue and we need to resolve this for you.

If you use REX as your property CRM please allow at least 2 hours for your changes to appear on the website.

If you use VaultRE as your property CRM please allow at least 1 hour for your changes to appear on the website.

If you use Agent Box as your property CRM please allow at least 2 hours for your changes to appear on the website.