Employees Guide

In this guide we cover:


We refer to Employees as any staff member working for your agency who you would like to be displayed on your website. Users added to your property CRM are automatically synced to your website and displayed under Malcolm -> Employees. In addition to synced employees, you can manually add employees to the backend of your website.

It’s important to understand the difference between synced and manually added employees as the process for adding new employees, updating existing, or removing employees is different.

Adding New Employees

Your website allows for a combination of both synced and manually added employees. Synced employees are those who have been added to your property CRM. Manually added employees are those added directly into the back end of your website.

Before you add a new employee please ensure you have the following details ready to go:

  • Name
  • Job Title
  • Contact details
  • Profile image
  • Bio/description

If your new employee will be added as a User in your property CRM, their details will automatically sync to the website following the syncing times outlined at the bottom of this article.

If the employee will be added manually to the website, you will need to ensure you have access to the backend of your website or you can ask your website administrator to assist you.

Once you have confirmed how your employee will be added to the website you can get started.

Add New User to your property CRM

Login to your property CRM and navigate to where you normally manage your Users. Here there should be an option to add a new user, however you may need to contact your property CRM support to request additional users.

Once you have added the new user completed all required fields for your new employee in your property CRM, you will need to allow time for the new employee to sync to the website.

Manually add employee to your website

If the employee will be manually added to the website you will need to log in to the back end of your website or ask your website administrator for assistance.

Once logged into the backend of your website navigate to Malcolm -> Employees and click Add New on the top left side.

  1. In the Add title field enter the employees first and last name.
  2. In the main text editor enter the employee’s bio / description.
  3. Scroll down to the Employees Details section and enter all available details for your employee.
  4. In the right sidebar there is an option to upload a Featured Image where you add your employees profile picture.
  5. Click Update to save your changes.

Synced or Manually Added Employee

Before making any changes to an employee record, you first need to determine if the employee record is synced from your property CRM, or if they have been manually added to the backend of the website.

You can confirm this by logging into the backend of your website and under Malcolm -> Employees search for the respective employee record.

  • If the Employee ID column contains a number this means you are dealing with a synced employee and you need to follow the instructions for updating a “Synced Employee”.
  • If the Employee ID column is empty or contains “—” this means the employee has been manually added and all details must be edited directed in the backend of the website. Please follow the instructions for updating a “Manual Employee”.

Updating Employee Details

Before updating an employee’s details you first need to confirm if the employee record is synced from your property CRM, or if they have been manually added to the backend of the website. Please follow these instructions if you are unsure.

Updating a Synced Employee

To update an employee record which has been synced from your property CRM, please login to your property CRM and navigate to where you manage Users. Make any adjustments required and save your changes. Thereafter, we need to allow time for any changes to sync through to your website. Please refer to the syncing times further below.

Updating a Manual Employee

To update an employee record which has been manually added to the backend of your website, please login to your website to make any changes required.

  1. Login to the backend of your website and navigate to Malcolm -> Employees.
  2. Search for the employee record your need to update and select Edit.
  3. Make any changes required to the employee record.
  4. Click Update to save your changes.

Employee Categories

Employees are assigned to categories based on their role type selected in the property CRM. Below is a table showing the different roles types available in each CRM:

Malcolm Role Types REX Role Types VaultRE Role Types AgentBox Role Types
Director Director/Principal Principal Director and Principal
Agent Sales Agent Salesperson Sales Representative
Personal Assistant Personal Assistant
Property Manager Property Manager Property Manager Property Management
Manager Manager/Coordinator
Admin Admin Administration Admin
Reception Reception
Other Other

If the option is blank above this means it does not exist in that property CRM.

Ordering Employees

The order employees display on the website is determined by the category they are assigned to, the categories being:

  1. Director
  2. Sales Agent
  3. Property Manager
  4. Manager
  5. Admin
  6. Reception
  7. Other

Within categories, employees are ordered alphabetically by name.

When a new employee is added to the website, either synced or manually added, Admin will need to assign their record to the most appropriate category for them to appear in the correct order. Employees without an assigned category are displayed last in the order.

Removing Employees

Before removing an employee you first need to confirm if the employee record is synced from your property CRM, or if they have been manually added to the backend of the website. Please follow these instructions if you are unsure.

Removing a Synced Employee

To remove an employee from your website which has been synced from your property CRM, the first step is to manually hide them from your website. You can hide an employee from the website by logging into the backend of the website, navigate to Malcolm -> Employees and search for the employee you need to hide. Select edit and in the right sidebar there is an option to Hide from Website. Select this field and then click the Update button to save your changes. The employee should no longer be visible on the website.

The next step is to remove the employee or User record from your property CRM. Please login to your property CRM and navigate to where you manage Users to remove the relevant user. If you are unable to do so, please contact your property CRM Support team for further assistance.

Removing a Manually Added Employee

To remove an employee from your website which has been manually added, please login to the backend of your website and follow the instructions below.

  1. Login to the backend of your website and navigate to Malcolm-> Employees.
  2. Search for the employee record your need to update and select Trash.

Syncing Times

For REX please allow 2 hours for your new employee to appear on the website.

For VaultRE please allow 1 hour for your new employee to appear on the website.

For Agent Box please allow 2 hours for your new employee to appear on the website.